Cold radiators can be a massive inconvenience to you and your family. There are various reasons why a radiator might become cold and this lack of heat can occur in patches or even your entire radiator. Whatever the reason for your cold radiators, it is essential you rectify the problem, especially as the winter months approach. The last thing you want is a home that won’t heat up as the temperatures outside drop.
Central heating sludge is the most likely culprit when it comes to identifying why you have cold radiators. Metallic debris and sediment circulates through your central heating system, eventually landing on the bottom of your radiators and leading to a solid blockage over time. This blockage then restricts the flow of water and will cause your radiators to firstly be cold at the bottom and then towards the middle. This metallic debris will also gather as corrosive rust which will then cause other parts of your radiators to become cold.
When you power flush radiators you are solving both of these problems and the efficiency of your radiators returns to normal. This is good news for your home and for your bank account. Cold radiators are bad news for your boiler as it causes them to have to work harder in the attempt to properly heat your home. This adds up to excessive energy use and higher bill prices. This is obviously something everyone wants to avoid so it’s easy to see why taking care of cold radiators is essential.
If cold radiators are causing a problem in your home then contacting a Flush Radiators engineer will soon see that they are back on track. The power flush procedure that will rectify your cold radiators is always expertly carried out by a Flush Radiator engineer and will leave your central heating system operating at a much more preferable level.
Cold radiators are unavoidable sometimes but the solution is quick and simple so don’t hesitate to make an appointment with us today to get your home back to the way you like it.